Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
I was born an unusual baby.
With a name like Methuselah, I would have sounded crazy.
I became known as Benjamin Button.
But compared to my life yours ain't nothing.
I was about seventy years old when I first saw the light of day,
Which was kind of strange since in a hospital bed I lay.
I tried to fit in,
But no matter what I could not win.
I attended kindergarten at school,
But I would fall asleep, which according to my teacher was not cool.
At age fifty I entered Yale College.
But compared to the rest of the students, I had way more knowledge.
Those students laughed at me,
But they will someday regret that, you’ll see.
At age twenty, I went to work for my father.
He no longer saw me as such a bother.
The day I meet my wife,
It was love at first sight.
She was as beautiful as sin.
And received stares from all types of men.
She loved my age,
Even though my hair was already beige.
Our marriage was fate
And my family business turned out great.
We had a son,
But soon afterwards life started to seem like a bum.
I went to war,
But when I returned home my wife was still an even more bore.
At age twenty I went to Harvard
And won the football game as a starter.
I became shorter and skinner and my brain was not filled with as much knowledge.
The next year I decided I needed to leave college.
After my life left and went to Italy, I went to leave with my son,
Who was still upset about the fact that my supposed charade was not done.
I continued to grow younger over the years,
And so increased my fears.
This that had seemed pointless in the past now made sense
And I started to get very tense.
My mind started to fade.
My life was no longer made.
I was stuck in a bind,
Until one day when everything finally faded from my mind.
And that is the story of me and my wife
And how I lost the love of my life.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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